
Saturday, March 1, 2014


I fucked up. My PC got a virus, now i'm reinstalling Win 7 (just in case that there will be no backdoors or files).

Well, to tell the truth, i'm feeling better. I sense less guilt in me.

Reminder to self: Don't open weird files no matter how curious you are. Do an online check on the file just to be sure.

Other than that, i will be going to the local doctor next week. This depression thingy is getting way out of hand. See if i can get some anti-depressants.
 Redirected most of the negativity on expressing (through playing guitar). That nearly killed all of it (at point, i even was crying without noticing it myself. Tears coming down the face. I was quite confused. Subconscious  emotions? Never even heard of that before. I've heard of suppressed thoughts and emotions)


  1. Would suggest against the use of anti-depressants.
    These won't help to solve the problems .. they only suppress the effects.

    Playing a guitar, drawing and 3d modelling are really good against depression.

    1. I wouldn't say they are against it, rather using it to convert it into another form.

      And i don't really need a lot of them. I just need enough to get control over my emotions.

  2. "convert it into another form" describes it a lot better, thanks! :)
