
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Update of 26.03.2014

Don't know why, but i sometimes get tired real suddenly. It's as if my energy has been zapped away (although, the glow remains).

Have been doing some minor pentesting at school (scanning for holes etc. Anything except attacking). I really can't do anything major since i already am being feared as i am (due to teeny-tiny things).

Got BackBox Linux with persistence working again... somehow. Last time i tried, it simply crashed half-way at loading X environment. Somehow, without touching it at all, i got it to work. No idea how.

Had a few dreams, mainly focusing on imagination. Creation and destruction through it etc.
(*Is too tired to write any*)

Haven't had any OBE's. Well... i had one but it quite wasn't either. Don't really know what exactly keeps going wrong. Maybe it doesn't. Who knows.. (*scratches head*)

One thing i do know. I'm gonna start using gif's to make it a bit more amusing to read these dull posts.

Well, whatever. I'm off to bed.

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