
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Alchemy! Something that finally interests me. :)

I got lots of Ebooks on alchemy but never had time to read them. Since they are on my external HDD, i downloaded one straight off the internet.

In that pdf, the autor refers to "Prima Materia" as urine. Now, i was really confused when he said that. I even googled the word. Yup... Urine meaning what comes out of your lower part.

From that you make "Eagle's Wing" which leads to making "Philosopher stone". I will do more research on these methods. See if something overlaps, then give it a try.

But what really caught my attention was this:

"This Awareness indicates that as the Philosopher's Stone is created to develop a high spiritual frequency and then is ingested by the philosopher himself, the alchemist; that frequency of a spiritual level then enters into the physical body to become a catalyst for altering the physical cells to that same high frequency and it is in that manner that the rejuvenating effects take place."

Do we become less "vibrant" as we age?

I have to learn more on it. Alchemy aka. Spiritual chemistry is truly fascinating subject.


  1. Second that.

    Father has been sneaky-researching that for a year or more now since the funding was dropped on his main research topic. He just went to some physicists, who sneaky-researched on fluorescent liquids and stuff. Similar to the ORMUS, or this Egyptian gold powder, these liquids have some pretty amazing properties. These self-purify themselves and heal various diseases.

    Urine also contains these liquids.

    This ORMUS, however, was claimed to have gravity-cancelling, cross-dimensional-travelling, properties:

  2. Hmm. The ebook i am reading talks about 2 types of philosopher stone. Red and white. White to turn metals to silver and red for gold. He also mentioned that Red was stronger.
    This really needs more effort put into. If they were capable of pulling off such things, we should as well.

    The urine part was partially claimed false by the writer (The book of aquarius). He does make sense, but i haven't read a point where he directly talks about making some.
