
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Choose your destiny" taken a bit too literally...

It's not new to me that i see bits of future in my dreams. I don't really care what people think of it. I just share those that feel important. Also, the future is from the perspective of me. I can't tell what happens to anyone else but me (unless i'm with that person and percieve it).
Lately, i've been getting the 3 choices. I will do this, I won't do this, and wondering about the previous two.
It's kinda pointless to wonder, since i already know their outcome. I had multiple times when i wonder what choice i make.
I've tried stopping this "destiny". Whenever i attempt to go against it, it simply doesn't work. The outcome is still the same.

It's odd, you know? To tell the truth, i have no goal in this world. It's as i already know everything unconsciously, so whenever i come across it, this knowledge just rises to the surface (especially with dreams. All it needs is a catalyst to connect the dots).
I don't feel as something TRULY (i mean it as in dedication) interests me. A part of me wants power (the greedy side who gets jealous of others efforts), the other just to rest for eternity.

Whenever i look at the sky, i get this nostalgic feeling mixed with fear. Nearly feels as i get dragged back to somewhere. Sometimes when stars are out, i swear i can pinpoint something. I'm not sure what or who that is, but it generates fear in me. As if the world will change.
But the truth is that i have sensed multiple times this feeling as "something" was going to happen. It's different from the sense of storm. The sense of storm feels as energy rises up in your body and you can clearly feel the powerful energy in the air.
By what i meant "something going to happen", it feels as if someone's watching us. It feels nearly as someone is hidden and pulls with it's finger along the upper spine.

All i know is that something is happening. There are a ton of dreams still not come true. I wonder when.


  1. You being there is already enough of a goal.

    There's a lot of people constantly watching us. Like Bashar's answer to a question:
    .. Q: Your civilization is much more advanced, but do you still watch movies for entertainment?
    .. A: No, we watch you.
    Or something alike.

    1. That's creepy. That's all i can say at that. :P
