
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tiredness? More like someone stealing energy.

This is clearly not common. I mean hear that Sussch, titorite, people who work with mom and her included are so tired they wish to fall asleep. I feel tired aswell, but i'm still capable of resisting it. It's odd. My heart chakra reports that there indeed is something going on. I constantly keep rising my awareness to stay awake. But just incase i can't anymore, i got another backup plan.
i call it awake dreaming. It's a point where your body shuts down itself, but you are still awake. From there on, take full control over physical body and make base chakra generate energy while spiritual side pulls in from surroundings.

I constantly keep sensing as someone is tapping into unified consciousness (that would be the earth's connection to us) and meddling with our 3-rd eye.
By now, i have lost control over my vision. It's difficult to sharpen and focus on objects.

Could it be mass energy stealing? For what purpose?

I feel being targeted. It is harder and harder to keep consciousness. I will set up full barrier block.......... that's odd. I think it stopped. Yeah... i think it did. Nope... there it goes again. That odd feeling.

Something's definately going on. Somebody is stealing energy from us.


  1. Loved what Goku did in such a situation. He cranked up his energy and let the monster have as much as it wanted.. well, it ended up a bit greedy and exploded, tho.

    Sight via 3rd eye is still okay for me.

    Any intriguing dreams lately?

    Ah, wait. I remember a guy draining energy from me, more than a week ago. Questioned him .. he poofed away. I wonder if he's now found a better way to do his job .. more remotely?

  2. Haha, that was awesome episode. I hope whoever is stealing will end up the same way. :P

    Well, i haven't been capable of remembering dreams lately. Probably because they are unimportant and it's summer vacation. What about you?

    Maybe somehow shields or steals within a certain radius. Who knows.
