
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dream log: Bunch of nonsense again

I'm remembering parts of dreams again. Some of them make no sense at all.

Dream: Letting others fall

The dream itself was quite the much a jumble. It started off by going to some competition. There wasn't a lot people. It was about 16-17 July (pure guessing), it was evening with a beautiful vivid environment. The houses and things looked really aged. Some of them barely were holding up. I get a second vision of 3 children climbing houses. Then there's this girl who runs at me as if i were a long friend of hers, grabs my arm and starts pulling it to a near house. We climb up the house. I said that the platform looks REALLY unstable, that we shouldn't touch it. She ignores my warning and runs straight on it to jump up... the platform broke. She fell down and broke her arm. I really was thinking that she was dead because the height was nearly 2 floors high! From that point on, i can't remember.

Dream: Old classmates

The dreams environment or objects didn't serve no special meaning.
The dream took place at some sort of school. A new one. All of the former classmates came together. There was this party (i hate parties, since i can't express myself in any ways. I simply don't know how to act under these circumstances. I don't know how to smile, laugh, make others feel comfortable or any of that!). Then one of the classmates pushes my back and says :"Go on, you idiot. What's the point of sitting here?" I just walk a circle and that's it. I appreciate it, but i have no social skills. Plus, all that is a complete nonsense to me.

1 comment:

  1. :) There's a 5 years anniversary party of gymnasium classmates tomorrow. Decided to go there .. a long walk into nowhere.

    Though, for me, the parties usually turn out rather similar. Would be nice to see the old classmates, even though back in school I always felt .. alienated.
