
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Let's think! - Philosopher's stone and ORMUS - Theories 1

I was confused. They DO make philosopher stone out of urine. But it's not the final form.

Some basic background on the stones:

"There are two forms of the Philosophers' Stone: the White Stone, and the Red Stone. The White Stone transmutes any metal into silver. The Red Stone is the more powerful and more well-known, and transmutes any metal into gold."

I did come across something called "Black Philosopher's stone". I'm not sure what that is or means. I will keep researching.


The Red Stone is much more powerful than the White Stone. A single dose can have a large effect,
depending on the strength of the Stone and whether it be White or Red. However, for a lasting effect the Stone should be ingested (eaten) daily, else your body and mind will begin deteriorating again.
If ingested it will cure all disease, and in higher concentrations will make an old person healthy and fitter than they were even in their youth.
If taken suddenly in high concentration, the body will purge itself of everything unnecessary, which may result in going through a shocking transformation over a couple of weeks, with one's skin peeling off, hair and teeth falling out, then growing back in prime condition.
Taken regularly in high concentration, it will be unnecessary to eat, drink or even breathe. Although these may be done anyway. The body will never grow old.
You will heal from wounds extremely quickly, and be unaffected by heat and cold.

Woah. Skin peeling off, teeth falling out.... just like straight out of a scary sci-fi movie or something.  But it would be awesome... no dentists!!! xD
PS. I hate dentists.


I should say a few words about ORMUS (also called ORMEs or White Power Gold), which many people are describing and marketing as the Philosophers' Stone, and I have been asked many times if I am talking about the same thing. ORMUS is a method to obtain very small particles of charged metals. This is not the Stone, and it is not alchemy (it is not imitating Nature.) There may well be health benefits to ingesting ORMUS, but the claim made that ORMUS is the Stone is a little silly, it's like calling a chicken a cow. A chicken is not a cow, it doesn't look like a cow, and it doesn't act like a cow. ORMUS is not made like the Stone, it doesn't look like the Stone, it doesn't act like the Stone... it's not the Stone. There is no reason whatsoever for anyone to believe that ORMUS is the same as the Stone, other than this is what they have previously been told, and if what I am saying here applies to you then you need to consider what you believe, who you are listening to, and whether you should continue to base your beliefs on the opinions of others presented with no evidence to support their claims.

Apparently ORMUS and Philosopher's Stone aren't the same. But they do serve similar means nonetheless.


By the older method, using distilled urine and gold, sometimes called the "wet method", one would be
relying on the life-energy in the distilled urine to break down the gold. This will work because gold is a very pure substance, with a lot of life-energy inside it, and will eventually break down with a little
convincing from the distilled urine. But it makes much more sense to use the lighter particles from the urine itself, as these are pure, but not so dense and not already determined like gold.

I'm getting confused again. Earlier looking at the ORMUS video, they claimed to be making ORMUS... but technically, they could've made White Philosopher Stone as well..... hmm....."

Technically, egyptians could've easily created distilled urine by burying a bottle (empty) deep into the sand while the other bottle (filled with urine) was up, evaporating due to sun's heat (probably the two were connected with some tube or something). Then further on using the distilled urine to use with the so-called "wet method". Either way, they had the perfect conditions. Plus, it sorta explains how they got so much gold in the middle of desert (my history is zero, don't complain lol).

Now, as for ORMUS, people have made that. Just a quick youtube search will get the results. They claim to be making ORMUS out of:  Dead sea salt and sodium hydroxide ... plus water of course. But i feel as it's far from it's true potential.

Here's a video where a guy makes it.

Perhaps ORMUS and Philosopher's stone are the same thing (both use this "life energy" and are constantly interpreted as the same thing, then again, it might be not)? You can never throw something out of the window like the chance doesn't exist. Maybe the author is the one being blind at this point? A quote from him:

"There are people who can read this book and not understand it, but the reason for this is not that what is written here is too complicated for these people, but that it is too simple for these people. The disbelievers are so inflated with their own egotistic vanity that they are unable to see truth even when it walks right up to them and slaps them across the face. These are the same people who walk around claiming to understand quantum theory, string theory, etc. even when the inventors of those theories claimed not to fully understand it themselves (they are models - not truths.)
The only argument against alchemy is therefore ignorance. But whatever you believe, it doesn't change the truth."

To tell the truth, i loved that part. Freaking hilarious. xP


"...disbelievers are so inflated with their own egotistic vanity that they are unable to see truth even when it walks right up to them and slaps them across the face." 

Yeah. That's what you can call the bigger majority of the world. And in a few years it's called "science". Urgh.... freaking assh**es (referring to scientists who steal others credit).

Anyways, any guesses or opinions on the subject, Sussch?

1 comment:

  1. "Woah. Skin peeling off, teeth falling out.... just like straight out of a scary sci-fi movie or something. But it would be awesome... no dentists!!! xD
    PS. I hate dentists."

    Lolz xD That was a really good one.

    Don't know. From the sound of it, it all sounds fairly similar .. whether it's called ORMUS or philosopher's stone or white gold.

    You're familiar with those stories of the Annunaki (or whatever they're called) coming to Earth for mining gold, right? Then on Egyptian glyphs, there's Egyptians making gold powder for their gods. In the old scriptures from India, there's schematics and descriptions of vimanas (or flying machines of the gods), which used some pretty interesting materials .. most of which were different golds.

    Don't know how Egyptians did it, but I doubt it was from the urine. There were some descriptions of the process somewhere .. gold + some kind of a special fire. Dad thinks, it might be gold + Aqua Regia + some kind of filtering. Dad says gold nano-dots should be the best, because of some sort of resonance with the DNA, which allows for it to rebuild itself.

    It doesn't seem like dead sea salt would be easy to get, especially because of this alchemy. Would be nice to get some of that mineral water from uncle's island again ;).

    Though, I've also heard claims that philosopher's stone was a lifeform, slightly shifted in dimension or something (half-physical).
