
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

OBE attempts & other experiments

Still having this "lag". Whenever i nearly get out and have vision developing, i get shut off. Entering the state needed to get OBE takes no more than 3-5 min.

I took my time today. First pranayama, then clearing and hightening awareness to breath. From there on, gradually moving onto "unsticking" astral body (until i could sorta do 360 and keep spinning, then reverse). Projected an imaginary body a few steps away and tried to send consciousness there. Strangely, my imagination took form of a bug. I was flying to the kitchen and just when i thought i got it going , bang. Vision and connection cuts off. Darn it. >:/

Then for over an hour i tried to send my awareness to the moon (eyes open). I kept repeating "i'm on the moon. How does the surrounding look from there?". At points, it felt as it was trying to change. I think i took too difficult thing to do.

It's weird that at nights i get different results.
Last night, i heard static for a second (as in someone attempting to communicate). Then i was touched by the shoulder. Then there was a loud bang. Then i felt someone's presence (which really made me want to open my eyes).

On a side note, i've been watching a lot of anime lately and constantly having the thought "why is it that i've seen it somewhere before?" when i clearly have not. I really do feel as reliving my life. It's odd.

As well, i'm learning to manipulate other people's energies (as in direct their own energy to heal or for other purposes). I find sensing different kinds of energy real easy. Last night i scanned my cat for Yang, Yin, energy blockades and energy points. It was so simple. Just as if i had already known it.

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