
Monday, May 19, 2014

Dream log: '7 children'

Seems my dreams keep getting wilder. I'm not complaining, it's fun, no matter what i may experience!

Cannot remember the whole dream due to not memorizing it well enough at morning. I'll go over it by skipping some caps.

The dream had bits of 'To aru kagaku no Railgun' in it, yet the landscape/environment, was my home village.

I'm not quite sure who or what i was, but the family i was in -- i was the eldest. I had 4 brothers and 2 sisters.
I'm not sure what happened, but they all went out on a stormy day. I decided to follow them (it was more out of concern, rather than out of curiosity). There's a big mall in front of me... a person asks if i know something. Had no time, shot a bolt of electricity to cause a distraction. The girl was confused (it was so fast that she didn't notice it). Then her mom comes up and starts blaming her for doing it while she trying to explain that she did not cause it (apparently abilities were common). I interrupt and say it was me, apologize and move on. As i leave, i can hear the girl's mom say "People like him should die". For some reason, i get fairly depressed. I sit on a bench nearby... it's still raining. I gave up on following my brothers and sisters. I just sit there, in dark thoughts. When i raise my head, i see them standing right in front of me, smiling. Their sheer smiles were enough to make me feel better. Younger sister reaches out her hand towards me and says:"Don't worry about us. Even if you are the eldest, we will support you with all we got... after all, we are the '7 children'!". My mood lightens up.

// End of part 1 of dream

// Start of part 2

In the second part of the dream, people became... extreme. Their usual personalities were pushed to the point where they nearly never go. Their purest state. Without a hesitation, they would follow what they believed as correct. There's not much to talk about it, though.

// Dream end

Well... there's one thing that i can say -- I love dream people more than this reality's ones. Like A LOT MORE.

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