
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Update of 22.05.2014

So... English exam next monday (26-th). Damn lucky people, get to have a free day off just because of it.

Started learning japanese (not words, but i understand around 50% already). Kanji, hira- & katakana. I got half table of hiraganas learned in 2 days (didn't put much effort). I still cannot remember them to draw. This will fix itself once i get used to reading. I can already partially read text. Totally worth it. :)

Had some random thought moments yesterday. Made ink powder from printer ink and the other batch from very fine charcoal ("dissolve-able" by water). Seems to work fine. I'm gonna try making another one with dextrin, ink and alcohol. Should work. Can't use oils due to not drying. Hmmmmmm..............
While i was at it already, made a brush. Brush-tip was made from hair, end superglued, trimmed and glued to a pencil with a hole in it. I don't have enough funds to buy proper stuff. Have to improvise. xD

The row of weird dreams continue. I cannot understand where the effect originates. I don't seem to be in a different mind-set. I'm the usual me. Mood swings up and down and ideas come flying in from left and right. *shrugs*

People sometimes sure know how to ask stupid questions. Some think that the external HDD i carry is a computer... sure, it can be mistaken for a Rasberry, but aren't there a bit too few ports?
It's interesting to observe people's "huge realization" moments. Amusing too. When i teached my handicapped friend how to set up VPN and what something does, he always had this kinda "hyped" mind-set. Kinda like happy that he finally understood something. He's kind of a paranoid when it comes to security. Well, i doubt there's anyone in the school that potentially hack VPN. Well... there is 1 (and a friend of his), but they wouldn't probably do it... probably. :D

I'm using emoticons more... ayashina (strange/curious)...


So... ink test... alcohol went down. It does not dissolve dextrin (a binding agent made from corn/potato starch). Replaced it with hot water and seemed to work wonders. Dried fairly quickly. Did not fade or make smudges when went over with hand (when dried). Did not pass trough either. Perfect.

It's fairly difficult to write normal alphabet. I think i now know why they resorted to the creation of a new language. Hiraganas (or kanji's or katakanas in that matter) seem fairly easy to draw/write. Now i have to find a way somehow make the ink last longer. More concentrated, perhaps?

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