
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Some random nonsense (4.05.2014)

Pretty much OK. I even remember a dream... it was fairly random, though.

Cat ran outside, i ran to catch him. Caught, found some odd things on the ground too. Called mom too take the cat inside. Inside an old box, there were polaroids. There was somebody on the picture. Mom seemed to know her. The next second "She doesn't want them. She wants nothing to do with them". (*Me thinks* "How the hell does she know that? She didn't even call or anything...").  There was around 6 polaroids. I remember watching 3 of them. One had 3 people on it. One had russian-like (old) environment in it, with a person standing in the middle. The last seemed like a birthday. A person was standing between a doorway. I just shrugged and set them nearby. I also scavanged a light bulb from a projector (we have one, but no light bulb for it).

The second one was something about obstacle course... fairly random.


Had an idea to create a computer cluster using Rocks. Never made it.


Rewatching 'To aru kagaku no railgun' series. The 'Personal reality' and 'Idol' theories have interesting points. It's like the writer himself was a psion lol


Edit (16:54):

Crashed my touchpad 4 times straight. Every time i managed to watch To aru kagaku no Railgun S (ep 9), it crashed. As i suspected. Geisting. I set it a little bit away from me and didn't crash anymore. Guess i got excited while watching. *Sighs* Conscious control over abilities? Nope! ...What a bother.

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