
Monday, May 12, 2014

Night update of 12.05.2014

Well-p. I'm starting to think that someone's manipulating my dreams. There certainly was a very strong similarity with yesterday's dreams (the feeling was nearly identical). Had some nightmares (just regular stuff, nothing scary). Woke up several times. At one point, i noticed my touchpad's charging light reflect off of my phone which looked like a person's glowing eyes. Moved it so there wouldn't be it (i was thinking of it able to manifest through some sort of imitation). Didn't help. Woke up and tried to send a telepathic message throughout my room. "Bring it. It'll make my night more fun". And after that, it went away... until morning of course. But then it wasn't even on the level of nightmare anymore.

Oh the irony. When i try to blame someone (It starts with a 'G' and ends with a 'e'. You use it daily) or express my opinion, i get this:

...  stop you from imagining. That's what i wanted to say ('came accidentally came' lol). Actually, the errors are starting to get more (not this one) annoying. There's constantly "unable to publish, try again" (probably connection ones, but then again...) ones.

Also, this is interesting:

1 comment:

  1. =D Nice screenshot.
    Thanks for sharing an article on the deep web.
