
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dreams of 8.05.2014

I'm back to my usual dream awareness and been wanting to write some.

1) The melancholy for constructs

The dream in overall describes my sadness if people could materialize a person, and then use them (from a negative perspective) then simply erase them from existence. This felt very wrong to me. Sussch was in that dream. I'm not sure why, but for some reason, his opinion about it made me slightly angry, while i could not disagree with him, either. His thought was that it was fine to trash those constructs, if it's for some greater good. Maybe that Sussch, was simply in some way, distorted by myself.

I think it's just wrong to simply use a construct for personal good (even though you created it). Then again, it's just my opinion.

2) Hatred and forgiveness

It was fairly random. I was sort of a companion throughout the dream. i never really said or did much, i simply followed and watched.
The story was about a man and woman. The man was somewhat cheating on her (well, not really. It was more of "comforting" the other). While the man is away, the woman dies due to an assassination (sniper shot). Her mind falls into a gloomy state in the end. He curses that he takes revenge on the man (not  the assassin) for many future lives. She takes a form of a big black snake with many teeth.
Well, then i and him got killed for around 2-3 times. In the end, when he encounters her, he just says:"I'm sorry i wasn't there, but realize, that this hatred shall not fix what has happened. If it makes any better, then kill me again, May i take away your sorrow and hatred, and may perhaps, we live a better life next life".

And then the dream cuts off.

3) Curses

A short dream about how easily people are tricked into cursing themselves.

The weather is gloomy. The houses look fallen apart (i should somehow start calling certain dream-setups...). There is no electricity. I'm standing on a balcony of a manor (again). I got a bag of milk. Got nowhere to put it... Ah, i'll drink a little from it so i can hang onto it.
I go to see some other people (2). They are outside. What i see is:
One is yelling at the other for being cursed. The other simply accepting it. When it over and the one who yelled left, i went near the guy and said:
"Try it (offers milk)". He refuses. I sigh and simply make him take it. He asks "what am i supposed to do with it?". "What else can you do with it? Drink it."
"Just drink"
"Is it sour? I thought i tasted something weird"
"(Tastes again)... i think so"
"You do realize, that there's nothing wrong with it? That you just created that "sour" yourself? Your 'curse' is nothing more but the same. You are too easily suggestible".
Walks away -- "You can have the milk. Think, but don't let those thoughts deceive you."

4) Crows

This was fairly random. 2 seasons -- winter and summer at the same time. Something about crows flying into houses. Some flew against the brick walls and died. Some caught inside, so i threw them outside again. Strangely, it seemed as if they were afraid of something outside (foreboding something, perhaps?). Did not see anything. Cat got outside due to me catching the crows and leaving the window open. I think i saw my first cat after that outside. Kinda felt sad.

OK. Back to sleep. Let's see if i have anything more interesting in reserve. :P (<-- Literally just woke up to write this)

1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I don't have an opinion on that.

    However, I've been watching Guilty Crown lately and the concept of using people for the greater good is highlighted there. Guilty Crown has stirred up quite a few emotions.
