
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ill (3.05.2014)

I finally fell ill, aswell. First my mom, then dad and when they are nearly OK, i get blown by more serious one than they did. Then again, i'm not complaining. It's fun in it's own way. Even standing feels like someone turned up the gravity. Also, thanks to my body being weak at the moment, that means the connection between body/soul-mind is weak. I'm treating it as OBE training, since it acts fairly similarily to sleep paralysis. Body doesn't want to respond as it should be, so it's a good training for will.
The only thing that annoys me is this goddarn runny/stuffed nose. Damn impossible to breathe. Otherwise, i'm all ok. In fact, i'm not even going to bother healing myself or anything. The majority of it is already past. :P

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