
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dream log: Distorted away

This is... i don't know how many'th dream in the row that has been seriously distorted. People's personalities are completely different. I cannot read their actions anymore.

Dream starts off with me somewhat expressing my rage against my mom. She gets fairly depressed. I wanted to say sorry, but she would not realize what she had done wrong, so i did not. She disappears. Thus begins my journey to search her again.

The next thing i remember, is being somewhere in a big city (something like London sub-urban areas). The environment is completely unknown to me. I do not what to expect at all (thus having a slight awareness that I'm in a dream, yet no conscious control over it. I tend to find fun in "going with the flow"). A bit later, it's night. I meet with some people who fell out of the school. Their personalities aren't as much distorted, but there is a noticeable difference. The one who i got along with, seemed to be in some sort of a gang. He was somewhat more aggressive (in real life, he was in a friendly way. He never hurt anyone, though). There was a barrel, burning something, or maybe, for heat and light. The overall mood was sad. Everyone seemed... lost, yet somehow they had enough will to support each other. The one whom i spoke of, poured water onto the fire-alarm switch (it should go off) and it went off. I ran out and looked behind with a confused face... they were just sitting there calmly (or perhaps, they seemed as there is no help). A while past, no firefighters, no nothing.
I decided to buy some coca-cola from a nearby open-air shop. In the end, i brought some kind of powdered stuff, instead of a drink. Well, it was only 2.60 (no idea how i remembered that so precisely).
As i take my leave, i come across a kid (roughly 5-7 years old). He asks where i am going. I said, that I'm not sure. That I'm in search of my mom. I told her name and he said that he was allowed to be her new "son". From that point, i sorta developed some hatred at him. Perhaps jealousy. I didn't really care a lot, so i let him follow me.
We walk across streets and he asks if i know where I'm going. Suddenly, i remembered that I've seen this place before. From a dream (paradox? Remembering dream inside a dream?). A place flashes across my eyes. A name. "Grand ???????". I begin to search for a place with that name. Luckily, i memorized big part of the path i must take.
Not long after, i find the place. I open the door... I'm on the 4-rth floor already? Hmm. Mom is speaking with 2 other women. I simply stand and look, deciding not to interrupt. The boy does not do anything, either. I could sense him looking me with fear in his mind. I do not waver.
When mom looks at me,  it feels like she falls deeper into a pitch black hole. The one where I've been falling for ages. For eternity. Her eyes are lifeless. I felt sad, yet i already knew, that this personality is distorted. She is not from where i am, yet it made me wonder, perhaps, it is i, who lives many lives at once? How come i have never met myself? Many thoughts go through my mind, yet i decide to put them all aside. I say:"Did this running away help you? The one who is supposed to fall, is me, not you". I see regret from her face. She stands up without a word, and goes to another room. Her mood did lighten, though. I sit on a couch. Right in front of me, i have a clear view over the city. It's deteriorating. Everything seems to be in bad shape.

// Dream end

It's strange. Are my dreams being influenced by my mood? They never have been before. It's also strange, that this has been going on over a week now.

Also, i'm not quite sure what i meant under "falling". I think i meant the constant dreams about falling into darkness (and now the depression), but who knows. Perhaps there is a more significant meaning behind it.

1 comment:

  1. It is you who lives many lives at once. We all do.
    Because of that, there is no "I" as such.

    Dreams are influenced by the mood that the dreamer brings with them. Because of this, it's often a good idea to meditate and focus on the mood that you want to have before falling asleep.
