
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Update of 1.05.2014

Yesterday, i tired out my eyes a lot. I did some mental training. I would close one eye and then project an overlay of what the closed eye sees. Succeeded multiple times. Though, mediating how strong the overlay is, is somewhat difficult. It would either be completely blacked out or not at all. Also, auras and other fields were easier to see like that.

As i got tired of that, i decided to try some other stuff. Generating a model out of an object. Worked great.
Tried to also generate a black overlay on sight (so it would be darker), but that only rendered an image in mind.
Once i got tired of that, i was observing the clouds outside. Just the usual disruptions. I did want to create a whole in time/space... started seeing distortions -- quickly repair it. xD

While mom was playing one of those "match 3" games on FB, i was attempting to turn off other colors and find possibilities. It didn't turn off, but it sorta "highlighted: the color i was concentrating on.

After that, my eyes were aching a lot. Went to try OBE, but fell asleep instead. :/


Oh, right. The radio went a bit nutty yesterday as well. We have surround system and 2 speakers are on the computer desk. While i was gaming, the speakers would randomly make a strong "pop" sound, then fail to play for a short while and come back on. It also kinda "vibrated" like something was disrupting radio signals. I closed the game and went away from the PC, hasn't done it ever since lol.
Let's face it. I'm not much of a PK user. I'm more of an "observer". I haven't trained PK who knows since. I only do it when i feel like it, thus, my abilities aren't significant like other's.

Edit (0:07):

*Sighs* Still uploading ownCloud files to GoogleDrive. I'm attempting to set it up there (15 GB!). To my knowledge, Google should allow using Drive as a server. From there on, i can simply create a subdomain redirect to the location.
It's still sitting at 67% (5900 / 8389 files). Feel like falling asleep already. 1 file per second... >.<

Edit (1:29):

Fuck. Google drive doesn't support PHP. *Takes deep breath and sighs*... that's what i get for not researching before doing.

But let's face it, this is awesome and i can 100% relate:
(Thanks Sussch, for remindindinding... goddamnit... REMINDING me of this great series!)

I wonder if anyone else does that "sky-grasp" thingy?... I know i do it awfully often (practically every night and sometimes at daytime too).

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