
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Update of 29.04.2014

Set up a ownCloud on koding. Now i just have to wait for koding team to finish 'shared space' area. It's currently only limited to 2GB per VM. I could get around 12GB once the finish it.

Limited 'Guest' account space to 512 MB. Password is "1234".
Meanwhile, i guess i could set up a second VM with it.... or find a way to link them.

>>> Cloud <<<


Tried to set up DNS on Kali (with bind9). Failed. For some reason, my machine didn't share name to other computers. Did work on local though. *Scratches head*


I can't help but cry over the fact that my classmates (except one) are all total airheads. They are on 3-rd course and they don't know how to move directories, cat files, ls, use suffixes or do anything on linux based systems. The only expressions i had throughout the lesson were:

Or this:

And their excuse (quoting):"This thing's stupid. Who even uses this crap?".
(Facepalms), people now-a-days...

Apart from this nonsense, nothing much has really happened.

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