
Saturday, April 5, 2014


I'm gonna start doing some work after school next month. The sole reason for this is to buy an electric guitar (electro-acoustic may sound somewhat like it but is hard as f' to play. Electric one won't make any sound when i play at night either... or at day, that matter).

The work itself is simple. Plant trees (they pay by how many packs of we plant). Each day around 3-4 hours and it pays off fairly well. Plus, i get to be in nature for a while. This sitting at home gets boring.

This whole idea is already set in stone, for me. I will not back out. If i want something, i will achieve it. Too bad there ain't any more of such things. I've loved helping others anyways (yet never myself or my family). I guess i'm somewhat a selfless freak, haha.

Apart from that, not much has really happened. Re installed Kali linux (with persistence) on usb again. Did some vulnerability scanning on some websites, sent info to the admin (if they have any idea what to do with it. Mainly info from Nikto, Vega and Zenmap, didn't bother going with aggressive analysis). Wrote a script to set up VPN. Not much else, really.... well, except from playing games.

Saw some casual dreams. Nothing worth mentioning.


Edit: Actually, there was somewhat of a significance to the dream i saw. I remember setting a pin. The pin was actually a name if the certain numbers were flipped upside-down. I saw myself entering that pin. I had only set that pin on last Thursday! There's usually a really long delay when a certain information is being used, this one was way too quick! The landscapes were similar to of what Peipsi is (i like it a lot, yet it feels sad for some reason).

Also, remembered that when i went to the hair-dresser, i said that "i had been here before". Mom said that i said that last time we came as well.  There's this constant mind-bogging going on. I cannot remember where i have seen things, but know i have. It's kinda like awakening process. If you don't memorize it instantly, you will forget it (unless it bears some sort of big significance).

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