
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Update of 17.04.2014

Had a pretty strong mental breakdown. Managed to recover quite fast.

The whole thing was put in motion by some odd events. First, i became conscious. Mind's eye that there's someone in the room. A shadow. It had a presense (most don't or have fairly weak). Woke up to check. Yup, for a moment, i did see 'gloomy' area near the doorway, not to mention the heavy feeling. I thought "well, if it wants to stay and won't be a threat towards me or any other entity here, it may stay". Bad decision. Should've taken the "heavy" feeling into account. The moment i decided to go back to sleep, i got a jump scare. It wasn't that bad, but i decided to sleep with cover over my head for the rest of the night (childhood habit out of fear, kind of a defensive construct).
The rest of the night went fine... until 4 am (in the morning). Woke up, feeling f'in bad. Decided to create a simple construct to seal away the "bad" feeling. Was capable of going back to sleep.
Decided to skip the school to heal and reconstruct all seals.
Being near others still makes me feel bad.


I do remember someone saying "Eve" or something at that night. Wonder what that was about?


It's so annoying we couldn't see moon eclipse on 15.04. I really wanted to see it. Though, the night was pretty bright and took this:


No dreams or other experiences worth mentioning.

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