
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Dream log: Lost, Cat, Ghost, Survival

Whew. That was a lot of dreams (there were more, i just don't feel like telling them).

Dream 1: Lost

Me, mom and dad were going to Tartu. Not sure why, but we get lost. We run around for quite the while. We simply decide to go to a shop.

Dream 2: Cat

A continuation. Me and mom went to an animal shop. She buys some random stuff while i look around. I see a cat that looks like my first cat (not sure if she was real or not). She is just staring at me with sad eyes. I start to get tears in my eyes. I turn away and hide behind a support pillar that was in the middle of the shop. A guy stares at me. I try to conceal my sadness as much as possible. I couldn't. Suddenly, i am hugged from behind (i could sense it wasn't a physical person). I already knew it was she. That mysterious person who always supports me. Who bears the same pain as me. I smile with tears running down my eyes. I quickly rub them off and exit the shop.

Dream log 3: Ghost

Another continuation. As i leave with teary eyes, we decide to go to our grandmom's house. The next thing i know, we are already there. I step out of the car... the tire is dead. I guess we can leave that for now. We and another family (not sure who?) walk to the house. It's fairly fallen apart.
We go through the rooms... just like we left them. Clean and dark. I was surprised that i didn't see any homeless living there.
As time goes past, mom opens the doors to upstairs and downstairs and tells me to go check em out. I strongly disagree with that thought of going there alone. I could already easily sense that there's something wrong. We check the upstair together... nothing much. She went outside and i run quickly down the stairs. As i am about to take a step, i could clearly sense, that something is coming. It got really cold. I run as fast as i can near mom, hoping that somehow the auric resonance or pressure could subdue the ghosts. It's coming, yet i cannot see it! I jump out of body to view from higher... nothing, yet it's there! I cannot see it! And suddenly, silence. I cannot hear or see anything anymore.

Dream log 4: Survival?

Not a continuation.

It takes off at somewhere cold. It's winter, yet the waters are unfrozen. We are on a ship. An old one. It's made of wood. There were random points where we were ask to peform experiments or answer questions. One of them was that you had 4 chemicals, layered from top to bottom and you had to repeat the process of cooking an egg. You were not allowed to use anything else. Not sure how it was solved. Suddenly, we run into a rocky cliff. The ship starts to fall apart, but good thing was, that there was lan right next to it. A guy says that you can create TNT out of eggs since it has some sort of chemical in it ("R-..." something). So they did. They also somehow transformed wood into iron. I wonder how.
As all this was going on, they were also prepairing for a war. They were creating some swords. They were fairly badly done. I told them how to make better ones. There was a smith that didn't take part of the war. I was in a hurry, yet didn't have a sword. He had made katana (a really good one, at that). I thanked him and charged in as well. There wasn't a lot of enemies. 3... that's all (and there was over 100 of us). So instead, i cut through the trees instead. xD

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