
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Work (part 2)

Met with the person who is going to run it. She said each sapling is equivelent to 5-6 cents. In a day, you plant around 1000 saplings. Well, that's what she said. Let's test that hypotesis:

Pick a plant = 3 sec
Create a hole = 3 sec
Plant it = 2 sec
Stand up and stomp on the surrounding area = 6 sec
Take 2 steps = 1.5, but let's say around 2 sec.

This all summed up will be 14 sec. That means you plant around 4 saplings each minute. 240 in hour. They said that they worked around 4-5 hours which equals to 960 < 1200 saplings.

Now... let's see how fast i could do it when i would do things simultaneously:
Grab a plant and create a hole = 2 sec
Stand up, stomp, take 2 steps = 6 sec

That's 8 seconds. 7.5 plants per minute. 450 saplings in hour. 1800 < 2250 saplings. That means practically double my earning. Sure, i would get bored, but already found a solution. I will download tons of music (music is like super-booster for energy and motivation).

With all this calculated out, i will earn my goal in around 2 days. If i would continue like others, i would achieve it in 4 days. I have no intention of idling around. I will put all my skill and will into it and will do a good job, while doing it fast.

I think i might be overhyped from the sheer thought of it. The thought of achieving it. Sure, our home classroom teach is going to be annoying, but what annoys me, is that some are always absent (since like from 4 months ago, even further, and still hasn't been thrown out of school) If i'm absent for a week or few, it won't be that bad. They don't teach anything there, anyways.

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