
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dream log: Teachng others to fly

Dream takes off from a previous dream (which i can't quite yet remember). I'm just outside my home thinking of going to see if i can work (Yesterday i got a call that they go at 7 in the morning -- bullshit! I ain't moving a finger at that time. Even if i would've gone i wouldn't have enough will to keep up). In the dream, i start with levitation. I reach out my arms to my sides, and start to make small wave-like motion while standing to my toes, then down again. It sorta makes you feel 'floaty'. Once i felt weightless, i would simply think of rising into air (even though i don't have good control over it). And so i did, I started flying really fast to the destination. So fast, that i crashlanded just before the destination (lol). While i was crashlanding, i thought of something called "lightspeed vision". Everything that i wanted to see was really clear (not to mention me ragdolling on the ground, there would be no way of catching the object, focusing, memorizing).
After the crashland, i was ok. Even though i was flying at least 3-4x the speed of cars, i only got some scratches.
The farm-like place where i was was.... odd. The people there would randomly start singing and i would stare like "what the fu.. did just happened?". I got tired of it so i went into a house and said to a kid:"Do you believe in flying?" He was like:"Yeah, it would be cool Think of all the places where i could go!" (me thinks to himself:"Doubting, just as i expected"). Me:"Come. I'll show you something".
We went behind the barn where a huge maple tree grew. Since i had done the "levitation warm-up" i would simply focus on pressure building up below me (depending on how i wanted to fly). He was amazed and called others. I sighed and said to others. "I'm gonna need to people -- one who wants to do it and one who is a skeptic and hates it". And so it did. The skeptic to my right, the other, to my left. I told them to do the "levitation warm-up" at first. I observed how the skeptic would do it very sloppily while the other would be all soft. I grabbed both of them and levitated both of them fairly high, then dropped down. It was funny to see both of their reaction. The skeptic would be all baffeled, not knowing what to say. The other would be euphoric -- overjoyed.

Then there was a point where Russian soldiers came. I told them to give up their guns. They did. If you are going to be a guest, don't treathen others.
After that, i flew home.

The next dream follows how i took care of a small blue bird (who apparently liked bombs as his toys and got a strange peak due to it *internally laughing*). It was some sort of vet/grooming shop. They were supposed to take care of it but couldn't since he would always fly away. Strangely, with me, he never left my side. Always sat on my hand and in the end was so tired that he fell asleep on my lap.  The customer was pleased, even though i didn't do anything.

What strange dreams.

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed that in many dreams, my flying speed is limited. In some, it's even slower than walking.
    But flying is still awesome and with a flying + phasing combo, it doesn't even matter if I'm being chased and my flying is slow - walls, floors and ceilings help.
