
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Update of 21.04.2014

I can't remember a song. A song i held dear to me. It's important to me, but i cannot remember. It was from a dream. A beautiful sad melody. Once tried to recreate it. Didn't work out. I used to call it "distant calls" and later as "the forgotten song". Ironic. Forgetting the "forgotten song". Goddamnit,  I would just need a right tune to set the chain off.
(Sighs) Now i feel like i lost a part of myself. (The song felt like it resonated with the person who thought of it and it made the person reflect it's very being to the universe. I called it "distant calls" at first because of it).

[Used to sing as a child until i once got caught singing. I was outside singing of thunder and lightning while it was happening (songs usually were about mood and weather and life). Never sang again lol. But i still do hum from time to time]

Well, i know that the next depression wave isn't far away. Oddly enough, the depression isn't like others. I don't get the need to kill myself (though, it's there alright). Rather, it's a total mood kill, but sets me on a way to search solutions from a different angle.

Other than all that, i've been under fair pressure. It's taking it's toll.

Healed yesterday, felt pretty hot psi for a while until it faded away. Tried to repeat today while channeling it into a green glass pebble (in construct form). Not quite sure, but did glow weakly.

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