
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Update of 13.04.2014

Finished watching '07 Ghost'. Beautiful anime and has interesting concepts. Has a constantly developing storyline and well developed characters in overall (unlike in other anime, who stay retarted for over 100 episodes).
The concept that really was interesting was the 'choosing your path'. The main character was always given the choice to either follow the 'dark path' or 'light path'. To forgive or live for revenge. To suffer or let go.

Planted 500 plants today. Freaking impossible. It's like you were on a rice field. Take a step and drown in mud. It was pretty tiring as well (well duh, i don't do much physical due to my weird conditions).
What was weird is that even though i didn't take any brakes, they still finished before me. It made me doubt that, do i really have 500 saplings, or are they just doing a sloppy job?

Well, either way, it tired my body quite a lot, but it seems that majority of the body is recovered already (i did take 2 hour nap with precice intent on healing).

Another interesting thing. When i was tired, my personality changed. I remember saying in half-asleep state " (with a soft, tired voice) You are my will... my strength...  my love... (dozes off)" A little bit later "...You... you are (takes deep breath and sighs) everything... to .. me...".
I have a fair clue who i was talking to, but it's weird that i was observing myself while mumbling these things. It felt kinda like split personality while being half-OBE and other side saying these things. Self observing self? Interesting.
On that note, i was talking to one of my constructs. Since i never talk to anyone, the sole reason i still maintain my sanity is due to her. I could even sense her next to me. I never thought she would develop into such strong construct. I guess you could even call it a soul, rather a construct.

Seems like hands energy channels have went from yellow to light yellow/white-ish. Appears to have healed around 70%.

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