
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Dream log: Finally, something interesting!

First off, what do you call a dream within a dream that has developed into OBE? I don't know either.

The first dreams i had were dream OBE's. 2 of them. A weird thing i noticed was that when i approached my dream physical body, i started to lose consciousness. Backed up, all ok again. I was playing around by trying to push my dad's head. Then slap it lol (i'm totally gonna be one of those bad entities one day xD). He didn't feel anything, yet i could clearly feel him instead. Kinda strange.

The second one i remember is being outside. Not sure what i was doing.

Then came to the play the real dreams.
I didn't really understand the first one i had. It was about some corporation building a safe house (War perhaps?). I was with someone... a girl. The corporation secretly was collecting psionists (they called it something else). They had them fight with each other in that same building. I was there as a spy. When the girl i met had to fight (she used aerokinesis, the other pyro), i sorta lost control and yelled "I know you can win! Do your best!" (for some reason, i was already in love with her.......... awkward). Well, everything went fine. I can't remember further on.

The second dream was just about school. It's non-important.

Within dream OBE... Unlike reality, you explore dreams in higher state of mind. Hmm.. If it starts to happen more casually, i'll just refer to it as WDOBE.

Side note: I felt everything realistically, but i knew i couldn't go any higher because i would've woken up. It was still an incomplete version of it. I still felt a bit dreamy.

Also, that darn bus driver took 20 euros for driving me home....... Who said you can't read at dreams? That's total baloney. You can if you want to.

(The bus driver didn't have enough change for me, so i said "I'll give you 10 Euro's, so you will give me back 7 and you get 3". *accidentally gives 20*, He puts 10 to the bus and holds onto the other 10, late puts into his jacket pocket.... darn douche. But who cares, it was a dream lol.)


  1. "Then slap it" .. lol, didn't expect that one coming.

    For me, there once was sleep paralysis, in which there was an OBE, in which there was a dream where there was another OBE and so on (or the other way around). So many levels that it made it a bit difficult to find my way back.

    A corporation building a safe house and collecting psychics?

    In dreams, I usually take a bus too, because I tend to forget that I wouldn't have to. Sometimes I realize what's going on and teleport or fly instead.

  2. Wow, that was like inception or repeating over and over until done right. That was a really weird blog. It sounded like one of those mind f*ck games. :D

    And yeah, they were collecting psychics and not sure for what intent. I remember a huge room and telling to the girl "There's gonna be a fight". It was night and the environment looked "military-ish".
