
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dreams and physical: More dreams and weird experiences

Physical log:

Usually, people who know us we know them don't ring the bell and come in right away. My usual reaction when it does ring, i attempt to change the reality to it non-existent. Yesterday when i did it, i suddenly felt as someone was holding from my neck, pressure builded up and my whole body temperature felt much much higher. It felt as my body was on fire. The sensation lasted about 10-20 seconds. It was a bit frightening.

Dream log:

Had some weird dreams again. Something about cold fusion (i have no knowledge on it or what so ever). Some people were meddling with gas at winter that had something to do with gravity or the magnetic field. No clue.

The second was a class trip to some place. It was icy. Some guy slipped, a girl jumped to save him (even that i was much closer, i just didn't care), showed her thumbs up since she had the face that she made herself look weird. She showed it back and smiled. It was nearly as we were having telepathic conversation.

The third one was somewhat a continuation of the second. Another bus trip. Only thing is that we were handed bombs and if you were to release the button, ti'd explode. It was nothing like that tho. I died only once. Or think i did at least. There was more than 10 sec delay to it.

Fourth dream. Some old house. I believe we were searching for someone. Not sure who.

Fifth was yesterday. Came from Rakvere, saw a huge bowl looking thing near the top of the radio transmitter post. In the bowl there were trees and bushes growing. The only questions i had were "how is it standing there?" and "Who even put it there?".

Here's a quick sketch of what i meant.


  1. Very interesting..

    Who was it at the door?

    1. About the bomb.

      Fang's last post has gotten a lot of attention, while waiting for your next post. =P
