
Friday, August 9, 2013

Physical log: Ouchy.

I think i might have figured out where and why my stomach aches come from. I believe they originate from cecum (which i had removed), and now it's regrowing. Last night i had a clear feeling that something is "there". I could feel it.

Odd thing is that the few last days i have barely eaten anything. I don't feel hungry, just feeling a bit sick (like wanting to throw up, this happened last time too, but due to extreme pain. This time the pain has subsided.)

It would be funny to see the faces on doctors when it actually has regrown. Oh that would be truly funny. But damn, the pain's really not worth it.


Also, what the f' is wrong with Vaike-Maarja? It's nearly as people here are generating a construct. A shield. Every time, the storms "magically" avoid us. Well, either way, i haven't bothered to break it. I guess i will once i feel better.


  1. That would be awesome..

    I've tried to avoid having it removed. That is, I've tried not to get into surgeries (heavy healing every time something goes wrong). A while ago I heard a story where someone had their tonsils removed and later the doctor said: "Oh, and, by the way, we also removed the cecum for you."

    1. That's actually really suspicious. Why would you remove something if you haven't been allowed to do so? Very very odd. That's nearly as saying "I'm sure you will never use it, so let's remove it for no reason!". I'd sue those doctors lol.
