
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dreams and physical: Idiots... idiots everywhere.

Dream log:

I'm gonna make this short. I was flying around (thoughts: "Seems i have to get better control over flying" It was that i either went too high and when i wanted to go lower, i went too low. But still, levitating in the air... a lot progress to me. Mostly i've just had those super jumps and momentary levitation). After coming down by a garden, i see one guy with bow and arrows, the other guy just standing there, ready to be shot at. The moment he shot, i managed to react fast enough to throw the trajectory of the arrow off. But he didn't stop. It was nearly as he was mindless. When he was about to shoot, i created a force field around the guy.
Later on, he accuses me on not letting me do what i want (and starts shooting at me, none hit). I gave up and went away. Idiocity just can't be cured.

I can't... oh right. I remember the rest of the dreams now.

I had an interesting dream. It was about negativity and positivity. Me and a girl were doing something, when i come across an item with lots of negative energy. I'm not sure what i did but somehow i traversed it into positive entity. It's whole form changed.
Later, the girl who i was with wants to give a try too. Her older sister was into this kind of stuff, but really negative. In fact, so much more negative, that only 1 screw from her place was far superior to any outside item. We do get the screw but before we did he had sort of an argument. She didn't believe it would work. For some reason i mentioned the "Yin&Yang". I'm not quite sure why. After hearing that, she walked away angrily.
Moments later, the younger sister calls a friend over and tries to recreate what i did. The experiment got so dangerous that i was forced to create a force field around it. It did blow up. No one was hurt. The only thing i remember was the answer i gave... "That would mean altering the energy levels at sub-atomic level!" I'm not sure what that means but i remember mentioning something about "low-level energy" and "high-level energy". Hmmmmmm......

Well, apart from that, i was listening to music again. It was fun as always. :)

Physical log: Felt like i got shocked from wall outlet.

Yesterday aro-- I mean today, at about 2:30 (at the morning) i was playing games and suddenly felt as i got shocked from wall outlet to the neck. It was ridiculously powerful and cant tell where it originated. One part reached to the right hemisphere of the brain, the other to my right shoulder. Wouldn't want to experience that again.

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