
Friday, August 30, 2013

Here it goes again.

Depression, it's knocking again, but this time it brought more side-effects. It's getting more frequent and i have still no idea what causes it.

Years back (about 2-3), at english lesson (at morning), we were supposed to read loudly text. For some reason, i couldn't read the text. Whenever i tried to read , i saw it as blank. I saw no letters, no text. All i saw was white-ness. I managed to somehow sputter out some words by rapidly changing focus. Look away, back, read, look away, back, read. The delay was less than 2 seconds. It creeped me out quite a lot. I went home. Took a nap, and all was OK again. Mom said the cause might have been tiredness, but i highly doubt it. Tiredness causes blurriness, not inability to recognize black.

Also, few days into training auric sight, now everything is freaking glowing... constantly. Especially at night time.

(Sighs), This is so tiring...

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