
Monday, August 5, 2013

General: More furiocity

More trouble. I have to go to the family doctor who is an egoist and tries to feed natural pills to everyone, and if that doesn't work she just finds another excuse.
It's a trouble for me because i have to get the letter from her. I know that you want to be "Big and powerful" but get over it. Stop playing all-wise. And what's worse, i have to do an EKG over there. It's no use or whatever to me.

There's one thing i've never understood. I am a patient, right? Yet i am not shown any of the information on myself. WTF. Are you saying that the information is more valuable than live person? I should totally have the permission to view and have the info. If someone actually could have the info, they might be able to figure out their problems.

I'm one of those people who wants to know as much as possible about myself, so i could destroy those limits. Even if i have no idea what's written on the info, i'll learn about it. I'll find someone who knows about it. So what's the problem? Why exactly am i not allowed to know?

1 comment:

  1. Did you ask them for the info? Sometimes they do provide it, if the patient shows interest.
