
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tracing flies and their patterns

Yesterday mom had her friend over and decided to "join" the conversation (which never happened, since the mom's friend is sorta obsessed with the joke of marrying me. [Damn you, past me! You just had to say that i love her. Worst mistake of my life]).
The majority of the time i decided to block myself out. Attempted to remote view which didn't come out as well as i wanted. Then i spotted that the flies strangely repeat certain patterns. At some points, it was nearly as they were drawing numbers and letters (I remember seeing "74462KML8e". The letters "KML" reminded me of the alphabet. And yes, i memorized it.).
Then i started to think about life. They were somehow repeating the number "8" only with corners, which seems to represent a sand clock, or even further -- time.
Then again, you could simply take "8" and turn it sideways and you get infinity and could be rephrased to "Life's just a loop with a twist".
At a point where i was about to stop, i took more time to concentrate on visualizing their flight patterns and for a brief moment, saw a 6-pointed star... hexagram or as some know "merkabah".

Then again, there were those weird moments when i visually saw the fly separate into 2 paths. It totally threw off my tracing.


Also, the moon was rather bright and yellow yesterday. It was nice, but i didn't like it for some reason. I think white is better.
It had me thinking at some point, the name "sun of the night".

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