
Monday, August 12, 2013

There we have it, geisting's back.

Each night now, just listening to music had me notice the flickering light. Many times i was considering it to blow out. So far, it hasn't. It's amazing since the only PK session i had was about day or 2 back when i was trying to pulse the solar light in their garden.
And today, i got a bit frustrated at my mom and nearly instantly it went dark and started to rain. Too coincidental if you ask me.

Apart from that, not much has happened.


  1. :D
    Sounds like Gandalf scolded one of the hobbits.

    I've seen stuff flicker white recently. For a few times while meditating or just laying in bed, I've seen flashes of light that are too bright to be car lights.

    Today I saw the ceiling flash bright white with my eyes open, but consciousness away from the body.

    1. What do you think they are? I just thought they eyes doing something (mine only have lasted for split-second, like lightning).
      Maybe it's just another weird phenomena going on again. Wouldn't be surprised. But if they are gonna happen frequently, it would be interesting to record them.
