
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

General: What irritates me

What really irritates me is that people don't consider multiple possibilities. No matter if it's atheist, a conspiracy theorist, a religionist or what not. Once they think one way, they never consider the other.
(You read bedtime story. You believe it to be made up, but what if it has actually happened in another reality?)

I don't want to bring up examples, but since (nearly) nobody really reads this blog, i will.
For example, Michael, who keeps posting all kinds of conspiracy stuff on his facebook. He makes EVERYTHING sound so bad and dangerous. He's exactly like my freaking family doctor. "Oh don't eat this, take this plant instead --Wait! Don't drink that, that's bad for you! You shouldn't do that, it's wrong.". Seriously people. Nature (that means including humans), has the capability of adapting to different kinds of environment. We don't die from just some small change. So would you kindly stop creating pointless stress? (I've been drinking coca-cola which is claimed to be bad for you. I've been drinking it for years and far more than an average person. And I'm still alive, aren't I?)

Then there's scientists. "That's impossible." Then you prove it "it's probably *insert some stupid excuse here*". How hard is it to consider the possibility of impossible phenomena? And even if you are wrong, accept it. This is how we learn.

Religion... "The god is always right! Everything that's different is the spawn of satan!". Dear religionists, we have not insulted your ways, but understand, we do not wish believe it either. Those who want, will.

People, please, just for once, try thinking outside your box. Just consider the possibility of everything that you think and believe to be correct, wrong. There are lies out there.
So please, would you for once, set aside your ego and forms of thinking, and try to help each other instead?

1 comment:

  1. I do read your blog :)

    Most of the religions out there are mutex (mutually exclusive). So, it is only allowed to have belief in one, because otherwise it wouldn't be deep enough. Sort of like a focal meditation exercise. After having been focused on the object for a few lifetimes, one would realize they were wrong about what the object really is. We are living lives of energy, but associating everything with rough (as in not refined) objects.

    Pointing out on what's dangerous and not good for health is an attempt at helping each other, too. It's done because people care about the health of others too much.

    Scientists also mock zero-point engineers, because they care too much about these engineers. They don't want the engineers to spend their lives on working something that would merely be a lie.

    That's all love .. a tad bit granny-ish, tho.
