
Monday, August 19, 2013

OBE: Making progress again

The last few weeks (maybe a month), I've been attempting to feel the environment and to transfer consciousness to somewhere. It has all failed.

Last night, i went back to square one. Relax, slow breathing, shut off all other thoughts (... i slapped them across the face, which somehow actually worked...). When i reached emptiness of thoughts, i relaxed even further until hypnogogia started to develop. The problem that i had was, that i moved my awareness too rapidly, that it canceled it. I could faintly see my room (it was pitch black). When i slowly transferred my awareness to it, it slowly materialized. But then i started to look around and each time i looked, it faded away. Darn.

Well, the second body theory does not work for me. For me, hypnogogia is the fastest way. I haven't had OBE vibes at all lately either.

Side note: I've had quite a lot of physical contact with entities lately. Mainly just touch experiences. Guess we aren't so different after all (refers to me slapping my dads head in a dream OBE). :D

1 comment:

  1. Uhm .. wtf .. just posted a comment, but there's nothing here. Shall attempt to rewrite it.

    To me it sounds like progress, not failure. :)

    You could try and take a form before moving around.

    If there's just a cloud of consciousness, then chances are it's non-homogenous and there would be more concentrated and less concentrated regions. Individually, these regions could be disoriented (having no idea of where it is or which direction is which), so that by moving "Left", the cloud of consciousness would move all over the place, lose its "critical mass" and disintegrate.

    You could, for example, concentrate the cloud of consciousness into the shape of a wolf to run around with it.

    Just a theory that I haven't gotten to test yet.
