
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dream log: Oooooo~! It's getting so awesome~!!

This dream consists of series of weird parts. Mainly separated to :"The car", "The temple", "The bear" and "The storm". 4 main parts.
I'm a bit disappointed because i woke up before the true part begun. I was so looking forward to it and i can't remember the last dream i had. Anyways, let's kick it off.

The dream starts in the most bizarre way. Me and mom needed to get something from dad's car. The moment we get in, the doors shut and the car starts on it's on and starts to drive. I have no control over it. So i just pretend to be steering it (i got no driver's licence nor know how to).
The next moment we are at my dad's grandma's place. The house is still there but in a bit worse condition (since she is dead, we left it unattended. It was in a bad condition either way, but something always sparked my curiosity at it). I'm not sure what happened, but later i remember the house being torn apart. Some sort of construction. I went to take a closer look at the forests. I called my dog (who is also dead) to accompany me. After a while, we come across a weird structure. The closest would be something like this (but it's not it):

While standing and staring at it, (i'm not sure but) about 4 people with cameras and full archaeologist equipment come and greet me. The first thing they say is that i should come with them. Nearly as they were expecting me to be here. Then appears my mom who says we need to go, that dad wants lunch. I strongly disagreed since i really, really wanted to see what's in there. After a while of argument, we decided to stay for a little longer. We took a quick look in there. Most of it was totally dark. The next thing i know is that i'm in another room, someone talking to my mind something about demons or being one. I cannot remember what happened later on.
The very next thing i remember, is seeing a bear ride a sledge behind a car to get to some destination. It was rather smart one. In the end, he got stuck in the snow so i helped it get it's sledge. It took it and walked away. The surrounding was icy and cold. I remember seeing some fishermen. I talked to one of them that don't they get cold. He said it was a bit chilly but the weather will soon change. He was correct. It changed to something much more.... destructive. People stare at the clouds with a scared face, nearly as if they've seen a world's end. Soon we see a tornado form. A former classmate shouts "Get inside, the pressure change is gonna create an anti-gravity field!", i was like... "What? (Thinks: That doesn't seem to work like that.)". Either way, i ran inside. Not long later, it was followed by a hell of a shock wave which shattered all nearby windows. For a few moments we even levitated in air and then it returned to normal. All of us ran further into the building (i think that's even worse idea. Why not basement or something like that?), and were separated into rooms. I went to number 1 where i met some people. A girl and a woman. The woman seemed to know me, but i didn't know her. Same with the girl. After a while, i notice the backdoor... it's open. I told that i was going outside, so if something happens, don't close it. To amazement, i met lots of other people doing the same. We were all curious what's going on. We walk to a plain land where we could see the clouds. The moment when i'm about to see them, dream cuts off. Time: 10:21. Damn it. Too early. Trying to force myself back to sleep.


The next section is the next dream but it doesn't make much sense.

There were points where i would fight some guy. I would draw things in air that would stop him momentarily. Later i draw a seal his hat which stops his angry behavior. Then i remember some people getting kidnapped and as usual, it's up to me again. This time, i decide to play guitar instead lol. To hell with saving people, i want some time for myself too. xD

(I later decide to do it anyway.)


The bad thing is that i have to leave nearly most details out since otherwise it would go on forever.

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