
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

PK: Daydreaming

You actually don't need to train at all. Daydreaming is enough. Dreaming is enough. My abilities improve without actually training.

I keep noticing that i am daydreaming. Rather frequently now. Each idea, memory or fantasy ends up in rather detailed environment. And then you go "Oh, that's right... i'm daydreaming".

I'm pretty much broke at the moment so i can't even afford a ping-pong ball (not to mention i have tons of recyclable bottles at basement), but when i do, i'll buy some. I got a good feeling that my TK is capable of influencing it easily. I'm gonna have to print a schedule. I've got too lazy and major geisting has died out (not to mention this morning. I sorta "temporarily" broke the hair drier. Came from toilet, tried switching on, nothing. Went to other outlet, nothing. After 40 min, worked again.).

It's sorta a bad thing that i can't set up a proper PK lab, since i do some other experiments as well. Plus, my mom thinks of PK equipment as trash... so yeah.

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