
Monday, July 29, 2013

Drawing for hours + Some general

Been drawing and coloring over 4 hours by now. Time to end for today.

You know one of these E-cigars? My dad owns 2. They were charging so i wanted to speed up the charging progress. I accidentally geisted it's program. When it charges, it blinks every 1 sec, now when it blinks, it does 2 blinks and then 3 in a row.... Hehehe.... Whoops!

But what bugs me is why won't my PK work with certain things like TK or PK. Even if it does it has minimal results, meanwhile electronics may fry when i touch them. Good thing i haven't been light pulsing in a while, The lights haven't burned out in a while now.

Had a TERRIBLE stomach ache. Kinda like when i once had to get cecum (organ) removed (don't want that pain. It's so intense that it makes you puke and moan in pain. It feels as if someone had stabbed you). Now when i had it, i had pressure on the point where it was supposed to be, like as in it had regrown. I had no painkiller either. Energy was capable of subsiding it for a very short while. Good thing it went over.

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