
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I, Hate, Birthdays.

Goddamnit people, just go away! I don't care of my birthday. I hate being near many people. I hate talking. I hate having to think up things, just to keep away those awkward silences.

A birthday means nothing to me. It's just another stupid day. I'm an asocial and like being alone. So, mind NOT coming? Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. :D

    It's the same thing, same excuses for me as well.

    Though, I can't say I hate being near many people. I can bear with it and sometimes I even enjoy it, but I love being alone, too. Especially for celebration (no party beats meditation, OBE and pk practice).

    A few songs from uncle's young band. I guess it once happened that they spent a week or two without food nor shelter in Tallinn somewhere:

    Oh well, my favorite song is not there. I guess it wasn't on the tape. That song was born when uncle and grandpa went fishing, suddenly storm broke loose and their boat kept getting full of water. With a lot of effort, they still made it back alive. Found the song really soothing and enlightening.
