
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dream log: Bringing things back from dreams

This dream actually was quite thought provoking.

One thing that i've found weird is that the old classmates in my dreams... their personalities don't match anymore. Some people who were nice have turned totally negative and the ones who were negative have become positive.

The dream starts off rather normally. I'm back at school with my my former and new classmates. It was 3D modeling lesson. I really didn't pay attention because my blood pressure was so high, that i lost hearing. All i could hear was noise. I decided to go to the school doctor, see if she can give me something to bring it down. Nope. I was just turned away like "That's probably nothing, now get lost". A while after i realized that it had came down. I went home and to sleep.
In sleep, i met ... 2 people i think. We went to the outlaw of the city. It had totally fallen apart and no one was there. There were car parts, metal and what not. We entered a wooden house. We found a TON of stuff in there. Mainly electronics. An older guy (22-23 approx.) who really reminded me of Sussch for some reason was messing with high-voltage there. He powered up some weird thingy and high voltage arcs flew everywhere. He even go hit by them but strangely wasn't influenced by them at all. I asked why. He said because of the ring he wears he acts as a ground (in my logic, he CLEARLY should've got shocked). The other guy was searching for stuff. I found a sander, welder and lots of other stuff. I said "I'm about to run out of time (dream ending), what are you gonna do?". The other guy says that he will travel through time and place these items in future (why future?) and then in few days, we will be able to retrieve it. He did that, we hid the stuff.
There indeed was the stuff we got from dreams. It was weird. Then i realized that this as well is a dream... Damn. I was sorta annoyed. lol

So, if someone is capable of chronokinesis, and you take an object in dream and go to your current timeline, would you get the object? But wouldn't that create a paradox?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!

    Now that you mention it, I guess I lost the input from the ears for a moment yesterday, while focused on the intensity of the psi flow.

    I remember having a lot of dreams, but don't really remember any. From the sound and feeling of it, it does look like Sussch .. with an ESD protection ring for grounding. :)

    Hmm .. smuggling stuff from one dream to another .. I wonder why.
