
Friday, July 26, 2013

Dream log: The usual random dreams

 As usual, i cannot remember 100%. At the moment i am trying to back track and memorize what happened.

No good.

I'll start from the point i remember (maybe i'll remember in the process). It's nearing sunset again (i like the period before sunset, it's not so hot, not so bright, nice colors etc.). Then my neighbour (the one i bid farewell to) comes with an old van at high speeds, followed by dust clouds. She yells out of the window to come aboard. The moment i stepped in, she floors the pedals and car flies forward. I barely manage to hold on and go to sit on the right seat. She was great at driving so i made a comment:"You are way better driver than me! (I can't drive a car lol)". In the end of the road she drives back infront on my home, lets me off goes to park her car. I remember seeing her youngest (in the family, there are 3 sisters, the one i was with was the eldest). sister, quite grown-up (about 16-17), on their bikes with some 2 dudes who i have never seen before (not that i have seen her with any by any means).
It's sunset but still quite bright. I'm sitting on a step, watching the sun. From the corner of my eye i see the eldest again. Her top was totally naked (I don't fantasize anyone. Wouldn't it be awkward to have someone staring at you while you are naked? I think it would.). She stood next to me while i was holding my hand up, she said something absurd, i didn't reply and went upstairs to watch anime. --

Oh, right. Now i remembered another part. I was waiting for teachers in somewhere else (because i had a lot of undone stuff. And still do in reality too!). I remember seeing old physics teacher, present English teacher, old ... uhh.. psychology or what you call it? teacher and old maths teacher who never showed up. For some reason, they looked sorta "dere (meaning "cute", "shy")"-ish. Nonetheless, they've never been kind to me so i was in my douce bag mood (don't give a crap about their life since all they caused me is negativity, return only negative).
I never really got to know what the hell was going on. They wanted me to do homework (i'm a lazy asshole, i have no time for their brainwashing lol). So i was kinda like "Get on with it already!" "Umm, i'd like you to do a report on this and that" "K, what the hell do you want?" etc.

And that's my natural reaction to people i hate. My moto is:"What you do to me, i'll return it tenfold".

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