
Monday, July 29, 2013

The weird me

I've never really done a real post about this. My own belief who i am, may sound weird, but a heavily modified human.
You may ask, why i think i so. Here's the complete story. It'll probably be very distorted. A piece from here and there.

A few years ago I started discovering this weirdness. My cecum died instantly (for no purpose). Then when i went to the eye doctor thingy, my sight was near perfect, even tho i'm CONSTANTLY on PC for nearly half the day, stare at the sun, be in pitch dark, nothing has affected it. I don't even need glasses, since doctors lately labeled me as "weird and mystic" since i defy their explanations. A year ago, i went to Tartu to get my sight checked again. I ended up messing with the machines there. Run to this room, then back, and again back to the machine. I was sorta angered but also laughing, because they were like:"WTF?? How's this possible? We need more tests". They made pointless attempts at solving it, by using the manual way. By putting on those weird glasses, but all that that did, was move the object closer and further, it did not sharpen or anything. I spent a ton of time there and nearly missed the bus because of them. The machine thought my eyes were -7. I tried to explain that i can send a signal for my eyes to "auto-focus" but they were like "What? That's bullshit.". Either way, they didn't find anything in the end. Just pure waste of time.
Years ago (where the whole journey took place), i went to get my ears checked. The same thing happened, i was running between building because apparently my ears percieve different frequencies. One that listens to higher frequencies, and the other that listens to bass (right one, love to listen to bass on songs) etc.
So later, they sent me to Tartu again, to get my ears checked. The same result. Once again, waste of time.
At the moment they are considering it to be BOR syndrome, which i highly doubt.

I still have weird marks on my legs (had to give a ton of urine for them, they found nothing). Haven't had the chance to go check heart yet, but i know it's off as well (when i'm about to do physical, it fires up to around 170, as a warm-up. I haven't been capable of reaching 200 yet. Normal is 90-110). Also, embarrasment or talking to girls makes my face go totally red and as in surrounded by fire. It reminds me of kundalini for some reason.

They found nothing wrong with my internals.

Sometimes, i sense a smell very clearly, no matter how far or faint it may be (kinda like dogs).

Hands and feet are always cold.

That's as much as i know at the moment, but there's clearly enough evidence i'm not quite human. It's fun to annoy doctors. They can't just figure it out lol. Most people who know this probably refer to me as UFO or mutant. I don't care lol.


  1. XD Dude, a list of similarities:
    * Back when I had my eyes checked, the same thing happened to the same machine. Same reaction, more tests, I think I even got -7 as well. The doctor couldn't believe it, tossed the machine and had me try something else.
    * Back when I had my ears checked, left ear is normal, right one is better at lower frequencies (and can't hear some higher freqs).
    * Hands and feet are always at room temperature or below that (which is usually well below that of normal body temperature).

    There's exceptions as well:
    * Heart rate is usually normal. Rarely skips a beat.
    * I'm not sure about the sensitivity of my nose. Probably normal.
    * It rarely happens that there's a pain in the chest that becomes stronger when I breathe (thus, can't breathe for 10-20 seconds). I've sensed this happens when one of the lungs gets stuck to the ribs somewhere or something .. dunno .. a little pk usually helps.
    * Occasionally there's arcing on the brain. When this happens, I can hear and feel it with each step while walking around. A soothing meditation fixes this bug.

    Perhaps we're human, just the human model is too narrow for us to fit in? ;-)

  2. Wow! That's so awesome to meet someone else with similar "bugs". :P

    The pain in the chest seems really painful. And can't breathe... damn...

    "Perhaps we're human, just the human model is too narrow for us to fit in? ;-)" Best line i've heard this year lol.
