
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dream log: Visit places from past lives

For this dream, i can't really start from no certain point. It consisted of previous dream scenery. I remember going around sensing people. For some reason, they were thinking highly of me and then there were those who hated me. I remember meeting a "pure person (a person who radiates different kind of energy. Composed only of positivity)"
Then i remember sensing someone. I think it was Sussch again (i cannot remember faces, i remember people by feelings). We visited some secret places that was left behind from our past lives. I remember entering a room filled with metal parts. No clue what that was supposed to be. The place itself was below earth just enough for light to come in.

That's pretty much it.... I left around 80% details out. It would've gone too long and then i would've deleted it.

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