
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lets experiment! - ORMUS - Ordinary sea salt + NaOH

The bad thing is that i have no pH measuring device (i used to have one made of purple cabbage), so i have no specific way of knowing, when it is right and when not.
What i will do is make a moderate solution of sea salt water and start to add NaOH so it will form the white substance. Assuming that it will form, i will then slowly add more NaOH until i see no further generation of it.

Logically thinking, sea salt should have life energy in it... but clearly not as much as dead sea salt or others.
I wonder if it's possible to make ORMUS from shale oil? I got ton of that lying around. Shale oil is pretty much made of life energy. Probably the highest and densest form of energy at all in nature.

Philosopher's stone is still evaporating slowly. Nothing really to do at the moment with it.


It does actually work. I put about (i didn't weight it out or anything) x3 125ml NaOH on 625ml salt water. I probably put too much NaOH. The solution felt slippery (meaning of high concentrations of NaOH).

I was sorta disappointed how less i got. But it's better than nothing. Sea salt works.

Here's some pics.

Edit 2:

The solution has gone through 2-nd wash. I will do total 5.


Edit 3:

Something strange happened. The ORMUS was floating on top instead at the bottom. When i gave it a slight tap, it created snow fall effect.

By now, the solution is non-see through. Some of it is still on the top layer but most is back at the bottom.

Edit 4:

It's 4-rth purification process. The ORMUS falls down much quicker. Approximately in 4-5 minutes. It has became whiter. Sorta sometimes seems to defy inerts and gravity. Sometimes i accidentally shake it quite hard but seems to stay at the same spot. Strange substance indeed,

Edit 5:

I ingested bigger part of it. I don't feel any different at all. Probably because it was such small amount. I will use the other part to test on plants. See how they react to it.

The ORMUS didn't have any taste. It sorta like ... umm... you know, when you have ever taken Magnesium Oxide, it disintegrates, is tasteless and is as very fine sand. Or something like that at least.

At a point, it tasted like plastic.... probably because i made it in a plastic bottle.

Either way, i think people are just over-exaggerating about the effects... or it's just another thing i'm immune towards at (i'm immune towards poisons, medicine and natural substances... don't ask why). Or maybe it's just because i'm used to energy work. (Sounds sorta egoistic lol, but it's not.)


I will not count this as a failure. I'll give it 50/50. If i had bigger amounts (like half a bottle), i'd ingest it to see if it has any effects. Up til' now, nothing.

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