
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Time confusion + more light visions

From time to time, i mistake day for night and night for day. I am a night person. I like that it's quiet and relaxing then. Nobody (well, bigger part of humanity) isn't capable of seeing or sensing then (they aren't even when it's light. You can totally hide in plain sight).
I don't go out at all because i got no friends nor need to. The only exception is when i want to do something (invent, experiment or just practice).

Sometimes i do something and think it's day-time (as if it is bright outside), and it feels like one, but actually is night. And sometimes the reverse. It's really confusing. Sometimes time seems to be so long, sometimes mere hours vanish into thin air.


Still. Movement = Light. No matter what sort of movement it is, it creates light. For example, cat moving.

But that's not the point. Sometimes, this light is created when there is no physical object. The latest is cat jumping down from window and walks away.
Mostly they have been animals, but human like forms have as well caught my sight. These visions seem to be repetitive.

Memories, perhaps?

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