
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Deja vu's. Deja vu's everywhere.

(Grinds teeth) This annoying feeling when you know what's going to happen, but not know what's going to happen. Any kind of outer stimuli seems to recall certain memory. Usually, these are bits of future. This has started happening too often. It's nearly as someone sends these bits to unconscious me, then pokes me with a stick to see if i will recall em. -.-

They usually are random moments from my life. School, anime (the most frequent of em all), outside, talk etc.
Right now when i saw the youtube's video thumbnail on Sussch'es post, i got a quick memory of being in the kitchen, golden sunlight coming in from the window (sunset), with family and said something important. I remembered for a brief moment, but now i can't figure out what. ... Menduksee (annoying)... -_-

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