
Monday, July 8, 2013

Dream log: Save the princess, kill the guards

Dream takes place at home, sleeping, when i overhear my "dad" talking about how bad i am. I hear him saying "If he doesn't get a job, he'll turn out like one of those junkies". I wake up, dress and go to the kitchen and say straight to his face " You know NOTHING of ME. You got NO RIGHT to talk about who or what i will become. My future is for me, and only ME to decide and not you."

After saying that, i remember silence and the scenery changes (subconscious trying to tell me something?). I'm on the middle of a town, looks like somewhere in England.  I stand on a nice path made of rocks, there are a few people moving. I see a carriage going past me. The houses look old yet sturdy. To my right, i notice some people fighting (verbally). I eavesdrop from nearby bushes. The spot was perfect since it was  surrounded by trees. I find out that those two were soon to get married and become king and queen. The man was very oppressive, wanted her to become his SO much (as an object... slave rather than equal). She says she needs to go to the toilet. I followed (haha, now i'm a stalker? xD). That man send few of his guards, who weren't doing a very good job. I hear them say the same thing."I hope everything goes well for that woman... that guy is nuts!". The woman came out and guards followed her. I walk at her. "(Fake smile), Umm hi... could i speak with you for a second?" (She nods), "(Whisper) Do you want to run away?" Her eyes light up all the sudden and nods. The guards have no idea what's going on since they were chatting amongst themselves. I thought up the casual distraction. I shout "Guys, what the hell is that thing????" And of course they turn around and start to search what's wrong. While they are distracted, i lifted (even tho i'm physically weak) the princess up and made a run for it.
I remember jumping and levitating from one roof to another. Then we think we are safe, we enter an abandoned building (made of stone, no windows). I sensed one of them coming. When i saw him, he was as a mindless zombie. Like under someone's control. I drew my sword and killed him. Then there came more. I can't remember at that point anymore... i think i died then.. i'm not sure. That princess escaped. When they talked about who died in here, i was in another body... or maybe i shape-shifted. The environment was strangely much more vivid. The dream ended at that point too.

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