
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dream log: What remains of our little bond

A little back story first.
We all know that nothing last for forever, but it does. Another paradox. I used to have quite the good relationship with my neighbours. Years ago, we grew apart and now neither really talks to each other. We just walk across each other like complete strangers. In a matter of fact, i take the blame onto myself. I'm not quite sure what happened, but i just ... i guess i grew tired of them. Even tho i don't really like the "new", grown-up version of them, i still somewhat miss them. But life goes on. Farewell the both of you. I had good time.

The dream itself speaks of missing them as well. Each year we used to go to a lake in here Estonia called "Peipsi". This is the... umm... 2-nd year we didn't go? In my dream i was there. The dream itself wasn't very vivid. There was another family i know (who i haven't communicated with at all either), they were more positive than usually. The night was approaching, I asked where everyone is. She (from another family) said that they were near the lake... the usual spot. I ran there, through the sand, when i reached the lake side, there was noone there (except some other people). The water was warm, the sun setting, lake side filled with wood scrap and other trash. Somehow, it still made me feel nostalgic,but sad. I ran back to the camping site. Then my memory blanks out. I remember being in a lodge. The two from the other family, under a blanket telling stories. Then a person walks to the door ledge, watches in with a sad face. I wanted to ask her join us but before i could, she watches away, nearly in a verge of crying and walks away. I felt bad. Watching back, the two were also gone. I went through the lodging, there was no one. When i asked the landlord, she said that there has never been no one at all. I was completely alone.

Our paths grew apart. Good bye.

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