
Friday, July 5, 2013

Dream log: I broke my dreaming record once again!

Usually, i have trouble staying in a dream. I managed to develop a dream into lucid dream and when it was about to end i pushed it back to semi-lucid. I prolonged the dream by x3 times. The problem is, is that it wasn't vivid lucid (meaning i was not fully conscious nor superconscious.).

I actually forgot the dream. It was so long. I was capable of recalling certain scenes and am positive that i'm capable of recalling the full dream.

The dream itself served really no purpose. Once i awakened, i wanted to go check the village out. I walked and walked  but at the distance, the buildings changed (i was not in full control over the dream). I achieved momentary levitation (jump up, levitate, smoothly come down) The environment was nearly the exact.
What can i say. Everything was as it should be.

Then there was a funny part where i was with 2 older men, trapped and no food. I attempted making fire using PK, no success. Then i find a box next to me.... matches in it. I think my subconscious was saying:" Stop relying on your abilities so much." lol. It was a semi-lucid. I wasn't capable of prolonging the dream any further. It was fun experiencing this long dream tho. :)

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